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Wild duck fillet in an exotic manner

Welcome back to my cozy kitchen corner, where today we're all about mastering the art of cooking wild duck fillet. If you're looking to impress your taste buds and guests alike, you've come to the right place. I'll be sharing some insider tips that will elevate your game meat game to new heights. From the perfect marinade to achieving that irresistible crust, get ready to cook wild duck fillet like a pro. So tie on your apron, sharpen those knives, and let's get started on this culinary journey together!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 servings
Calories 365 kcal


  • 4 savage duck fillets
  • 1/2 l. can pineapple disks
  • 4 bananas
  • 2 grapefruits in sections
  • 1 dl. cream the bananas
  • orange liquor
  • 2 ells. Potato flour
  • 50 gr. butter or margarine
  • salt and pepper


  • Powder duck fillets with salt and pepper.
  • Heat 35 gr. butter in a pan and singe the fillets on both sides.
  • Take fillets just as from the pan and keep them warm (bijv, by putting vegetable a chalkboard on a pan in which rises or is cooked).
  • With mixed potato flour and joint the bananas in discs bind the fruit juice.
  • Joint the remaining butter to the pan and barge the duck fillets brown, during approx. 4 minutes on each side.
  • And extinguishes the barge butter with a tot orange liquor or a smattering water takes the fillets from the pan.
  • The contents of the can heat pineapple with the grapefruitpartjes, lemon juice and the crème the bananas.



First things first, when you're dealing with wild duck fillet, you want to ensure you're cooking it just right. Overcooking can lead to a tough and less enjoyable meal, while undercooking might not appeal to everyone's taste. Aim for a medium-rare finish; it keeps the fillet moist and tender. And remember, always let it rest after cooking – this allows the juices to redistribute, giving you a more flavorful bite.
Another tip? Score the skin! This isn't just for looks; scoring helps render down the fat and crisps up the skin beautifully. Trust me, that crispy skin against the tender meat is a contrast you don't want to miss.
Keyword Duck